The Residents’ Association, Annual General Meeting was held on :-
Wednesday 12th June 2024 at 6.30pm, in Arnold House School, 1 Loundoun Road NW8 9LS. The meeting was well attended by members - both Leaseholders and tenants.
Our guests were Gary Medazoumian – CEO, Grove and Housing Ltd (GEHL) and Maintenance Fund Trustee; Matthew L (ML) from Rendall and Rittner and Matthew (MW-T), Building Manager.
Our Chair opened the meeting by thanking Matthew and his team for the wonderful service they have provided over the past year. The block had been kept to its usual high standard of cleanliness and everyone involved deserved our thanks and appreciation.
The Chair mentioned the long list of achievements since the last AGM. She recognized that GEGRA is run by a Committee of volunteers, who over the past year have offered hundreds of hours of their collective free time to pursue the objectives of the Association. She personally thanked the great team of people who have supported her as she took over the chair position last year.
The Chair remarked she was delighted to have this wonderful mix of people of different ages and experiences, with knowledge of law, accountancy, engineering, administration, garden landscaping, to name but a few who have put themselves forward to ensure that the high standards of the building are maintained at a realistic cost.
The decision was made to keep the low membership fee at £5. There is absolutely no barrier to joining and the chair stressed the importance of having as many members as possible, which gave a stronger voice to the Association in meetings.
The meeting went on to discuss the problems and successes of various building projects during the past year and all written questions handed in before the meeting were answered..
The full minutes of the AGM has now been sent to GEGRA members only. They will also be included in the “Members only “ side of the GEGRA website.
If you are not yet a member, then please do consider joining – membership is only £5 a year. Details may be found on our website:-
With the quorum for the AGM present the meeting moved to the election of a new GEGRA Committee.
All the following have been proposed and seconded and by a show of hands were elected.
Committee members
GEGRA committee members are hard working on behalf of all residents. The committee is split into leaseholders and tenants who sit on various sub-committees under the following headings: - Constitution, website, gardens and landscaping, finance, pipes, engineering, interior design of building, social get-togethers, and any aspects which can help reduce service charges.
Any resident who would like to act as a consultant on any of the above areas then please do leave your name and contact details in an envelope addressed to Linda, secretary, at reception.
After the meeting, attendees were invited to view the new lounge area, opposite flat 59 on the Upper Ground floor by the garden entrance where drinks and light refreshments were served
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