Joining GEGRA is easy:
Step 1. Complete the membership form: .
Paper: If you require a printed copy, these can be found under the GEGRA notice board on Grove End Road.
Step 2. Return membership form
Please either email your form back to or leave a copy in a sealed envelope for the GEGRA Secretary’s attention at Main Reception. .
Step 3: Pay the membership fee
1. Standing Order: The easiest way to pay is to set-up a standing order for £5 annually on 1st April, please see details below.
2. Card: Pay by card at the Office on Abbey Road.
3. Bank transfer: Please see details below.
Account Name GEGRA
Sort code 30-98-97
Account No 85033562
As a reference, please give your name and flat number (e.g. “Smith 320)
4. Cash: Leave £5 in an envelope at main reception with a completed membership form.
Membership costs just £5 for the year from 1st April to 31st March. GEGRA is run by volunteers and we keep the fee low to remain inclusive, if you are able and would like to make an additional voluntary contribution it would be greatly appreciated.
Please note: To attend AGM’s & EGM‘s you must be a member of GEGRA and joined at least 14 days before the publicised meeting date.
Thank you for your support.
GEGRA Secretary
To ensure a respectful and cooperative environment, we have established
the following code of conduct. By participating in GEGRA and its activity, all
committee members agree to follow these guidelines.
All GEGRA committee members should fulfil their obligations responsibly,
acting at all times in good faith and in the best interests of GEGRA, and its
Members of the committee should:
• always work within the spirit and rules of the constitution.
• observe ‘collective responsibility’ for committee decisions.
• not bring the Association into disrepute
• not speak or write on behalf of GEGRA without the prior agreements of
the GEGRA chair. Such Correspondence should be available to all
committee members, upon request.
• consider the impact of your actions on the safety and well-being of the
Conflict of interest
Members of the committee should disclose any interest, personal or on
behalf of any group they represent, that may affect their approach to the
matter and the discussion. Where there is conflict of interest, that member
should abstain from voting on any relevant matter of conflict if it arises.
Members should respect all individual, tenants and residents’
confidentiality. Information about specific individual, tenants and residents
not present should not be discussed at public meetings.
The Environment
Protecting the environment is an important concern of GEGRA. Members
should consider the long term environmental impact of their actions and
Meetings etiquette
• GEGRA Members are expected to conduct them self in a reasonable
manner and follow the guidance of the GEGRA Chair.
• GEGRA Members must be courteous and respectful to each other
and allow each other to speak.
• GEGRA Members must remember that the purpose of the association
is to benefit residents generally, and not specific individuals.
• Members must abide by the UK equal opportunities guidance.
Breach of meeting etiquette
If a GEGRA member or Member of the committee does not abide by the
above meeting etiquette, they will be given a verbal warning by the GEGRA
Chair. If they continue with their behaviour, they may be asked to leave the
If the person continues to ignore these rules and refuses to leave the
meeting after being warned, then the Chair has the power to close the meeting.
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